To start Daily Stride #23, let's kick things off with a quote from Michael Jordan, arguably one of the best (though there's a huge debate there) ever to wear the number 23:
"If it turns out that my best wasn’t good enough, at least I won’t look back and say I was afraid to try."
Back in high school, a sentence was spray-painted on the locker room wall: "How do you want to be remembered?"
Those words hit me then and they still hit me now at 30. As a coach. As an athlete. And as someone navigating through life.
As a coach, I aim to be remembered as someone who's trustworthy, dependable, caring, knowledgeable, and always seeking growth.
As an athlete, I want to be remembered as someone who's persistent, determined, disciplined, and always striving to improve.
And as a human, I want to be remembered as someone you can rely on, someone who'll drop everything to help those I care about and someone who loves deeply. I want to be someone who's willing to be vulnerable and courageous when needed. To take risks for the chance at reward or to make conscious decisions to shape a better future.
I may fail along the way, but I refuse to live in regret of ever trying to align my life with the pillars of what I want to stand for and how I want to be remembered.